Pietro Bologna



Pietro Bologna

Pietro Bologna, born in Milan in 1972, is a self-taught photographer who lived, before settling in Milan, in Germany and Argentina where he worked as a photographer's assistant, photojournalist and darkroom teacher. 

His latest work, Ettaro, is a synthesis of Bologna's conception of art and photography. Ettaro is immediately perceived as a work that goes beyond any 'photographic logic' because the photographs are not taken with expensive cameras, but with the artist's mobile phone. Every day, when he took his dog for a walk, he would stop to photograph something in the southern suburbs of Milan that intrigued him. And it is precisely curiosity the driving force behind this collection and not beauty; in fact, Bologna speaks of "escape from beauty", intended as canonical beauty, the almost cloying beauty that would be cacophonous in a project of this kind. Ettaro is a long project, five years in the making, which has overturned the canons of beauty to which we are all accustomed, to shed light on objects that we see but do not look at on a daily basis.



Via Stagio Stagi 12 and via Garibaldi 30, Pietrasanta (Lucca) Italy. Telephone +39 0584 70214
P.IVA 01492370463

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